Trusts & Estate Litigation
Representing trustees and other fiduciaries in the Northwest
Bullivant Houser represents trustees, personal representatives or other types of professional fiduciaries in a dispute with beneficiaries or others who allege breach of fiduciary duty. These claims involve allegations of misconduct, including violating the terms of a trust or failing to act prudently, and can lead to contentious litigation. They often arise in connection to a sale of property, payment of taxes, loan repayment or conflict of interest. We are aware that trust and estate litigation and fiduciary litigation create especially sensitive issues for families and beneficiaries. Our goal is to get to the bottom of what happened and help our clients work toward a resolution.
Bullivant’s seasoned trial lawyers have worked with insurers and insureds for decades and have a track record of successful court dispositions and favorable settlements of multi-million-dollar matters. With a recognized professional liability practice in the Northwest, we bring a special skillset in finance and accounting, and a deep understanding of errors and omissions (E&O) policies and the Uniform Prudent Investor Act (UPIA).

Successful pursuit of claims against manufacturer of a clothes dryer that caught fire
Claims dismissed for business interruption losses allegedly caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
Successful representation of insurer in failed bank D&O coverage litigation against the FDIC
Executive of Non-Profit alleged Breach of Duty
Directors and officers of a large investor-owned utility
Officer of Publicly Traded Company in SEC Investigation
Employee Spotlight: Ginger Erickson-Gettel
At Bullivant, we are proud of the team of attorneys and professionals we have assembled.…